Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nothing Much

We haven't managed to post anything yet because we are both busy with work. We did go to certain places to check the major items listed in our checklist: Wedding Rings, 'the Pelamin & Baju Pengantin'. There are lots more to cover.

Next,maybe sometimes next week. We will go to Printers to check out the Cards & the Price Listing. We never expect our Big Day preparation can be a lot. It's Edzuan who has been doing a lot of the tracking. He is pretty good at it.

Ija: Dream of a garden wedding~Maybe should mention to Edzuan.

Edzuan: Fell in love with the 3 Peridots Platinum Ring.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A New Beginning for Us

This blog is the start of a new beginning for us (Ija & Edzuan). We will share the updates of our lives, love... and the preparation for the 'Big Day'.

Our relationship wasn't like any ordinary love story. Never expected that we would end up as a couple...